Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Girls, Girls, Girls!!!

The mystique of the Parisian showgirl has held a dear spot in my heart since the New Year's Eve I spent in Paris, age 10. All feathers, glitter, and legs, those spot-lit darlings can-caned their way into my imagination. 

Such fantasies have been upheld throughout my youth by such cinematic wonders as Moulin Rouge, There's No Business Like Showbusiness, Gypsy, and--dare I say it--Showgirls. Really, put a feathered headdress and a bustier on anyone, and I'll watch for hours. 

Now, if you said to me "you know, I can make your loft feel like a dressing room at the Folies Bergere," I'd sign you a blank check and call Bravo to send over a film crew. Sadly, no one has propositioned me yet (at least not about this), so I can only dream...

...that is, until now. On March 12, our auction has not one, not two, but eight Showgirl posters up for grabs. Not only that, but many of them are of a reasonable enough size that even the smallest of studio apartments can enjoy them (we're talking no more than 14 x 22 inches)! 

So, ladies, embrace your glamorous side and pepper these beauties about your boudoir. 
Fellows, show your manfriends that you can be surrounded by more high-class broads than Hough Hefner. 
Whatever your reasons, for as low as $50 you can add the glamor of Parisian nightlife to your home without having to pay the airfare--and in this economy, that's a fabulous deal. 

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